The world moves faster than ever, so Business Managers have to embrace that fact and take it to their advantage, by prioritizing the two biggest change drivers of the XXI century: Digitalization (Industry 4.0) and Sustainability (ESG).



We unblock the way for sustainability to become a success driver for your business.



We have an experienced hands-on team, whose Mission is to advise and implement Sustainability Strategies, based on the three critical pillars that companies need to address in order to succeed:

  • Sustainability
  • Data Science
  • Finance

Implement a Sustainability Strategy is a Cultural Transformation, covering five dimensions:

  • Technology
  • People
  • Finance
  • Governance
  • Business Modeling

We treat Sustainability and Digitalization as two pieces of the same puzzle. By putting them together, we'll maximize your profitability.

In other words:


  • WisdBoard's team will make a full check-up of your business model, advising you how to adapt it to the new market and legal requirements that came up after the pandemic crisis, related with changes in Consumer's preferences, new risks (like Greenwashing) and the brand new set of international regulations, namely related with Sustainability, Supply-chain and Tax
  • WisdBoard's team will build dashboards and scorecards to tell you about opportunities and risks hidden in your data, how to reduce your costs and maximize your profitability, not only in the short run, but in the long run as well.


We can do this, because we have the right set of Analytical skills (including Accounting, Tax, Finance, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence), an experienced team across different industries and...: we are certified Sustainability Consultants (GRI) whose Digitalization knowledge allows a quantitative approach  to the ESG aspects of the business.

Our range of expertise covers the entire spectrum of the Governance framework (e.g. CSRD, EU Taxonomies, GRI,  IFRS-s,  Data Protection Regulations). From clients to Tax Authorities, investors and banking system, we´ll make sure that your company meets the requirements of your stakeholders, making it a competitive advantage to you.

Internal data and Big Data in general, whether it comes from the machinery in the production line, or from massive public databases, must be Analytically shaped through Data Science to allow fast decision making in due time. From now onwards, even a simple business plan is likely to require Data Science, as that will be key to engage stakeholders during a fund raising session. There are many reasons why Data Science is key to CEOs and CFOs, but on the top of the list we have: Sustainability.

Sustainability (ESG) it´s a Business need. However, all companies need to understand the new rules of the game, so that they may be able to avoid the new risks and take the golden opportunities presently existing in the market. This is what a proper Sustainability Strategy can do for a company:

• Tax savings;
• Decrease in interests cost
• Talent management;
• Branding;
• Fundraising enabler;
• Measure environmental/social impacts (positive and negative) (in compliance with ISO standards)
• Manage the Carbon and Methane footprint
• Design Dashboards and Balanced scorecards with the relevant Sustainability KPI
• Benchmarking vs national and international market while applying international standards;
• Risk Management;
• Big Data, Data Science, BI and Data Analytics: better and faster decisions
• Finance & Sustainability Report : engaging stakeholders by complying with the international frameworks
• Governance: avoid greenwashing

• GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

• Reduce Overheads

• More Sustainable factories, by reducing waste and optimizing energy  + water consumption

• Supply-chain: higher transparency, facilitate collaboration and increase resiliency across the value chain 

WisdBoard’s team includes Senior Finance Professionals with wide international experience in different industries  and strong set of diversified skills, including:

  • Chartered Accountants
  • Certified Trainers
  • Sustainability: GRI Certified, EU Taxonomies
  • Analytics: Power BI, Tableau, ERP (SAP, Primavera), SQL, Python, VBA, ABAP, DAX
  • Governance: SOX, ISO 9001, GDPR – Data Protection Regulation, EU Artificial Intelligence Act
  • Data Science: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

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